TEMPLE OF DREAD: Neues Album "God Of The Godless" für Oktober angekündigt

Die ostfriesische Death-Metal-Band TEMPLE OF DREAD wird am 04.10.2024 ihr fünftes Album mit dem Namen "God Of The Godless" veröffentlichen. Es wird wieder via Testimony Records erscheinen.
Mit 'Carnage Ritual' ist auch schon die erste Single erschienen.
Dazu sagt Gitarrist Markus Bünnemeyer: "Our first single 'Carnage Ritual' musically goes back to the beginnings of TEMPLE OF DREAD. No compromises, no experiments - just four minutes full steam ahead! The lyrical content is just as accurate: In Greek mythology, the people of Athens were compelled by King Minos to choose seven young men and seven young women to be offered as sacrificial victims to the monster Minotaur, to be killed in retribution for the death of Minos` son… The lyrics were once again visualized by Ecuadorian director Christian Kdrumworm (k-drumworm-media) with great attention to the details of the incredible artwork by Paolo Girardi!"
Die Tracklist liest sich so:
1. Carnage Ritual
2. Spawn Of Filth
3. Black Scream
4. Sacrificial Dawn
5. God Of The Godless
6. Prophetic Misanthropy
7. Monstrosity Divine
8. Terminal Putrefaction
9. Demise Of Olympus
Das Album kann im Labelshop bereits vorbestellt werden.
- Quelle:
- Sure Shot Worx
- Redakteur:
- Swen Reuter
- Tags:
- carnage ritual god of the godless neues album neue single testimony records
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