The Power Of Metal, Rock And Gothic

Metalheads against hatred and racism

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For years, radicals have been trying to subvert the metal scene and use our music to spread their ideological fervour fuelled by hatred. We think it's time to take a stand and do something against it! Of course, our music has some rebellious background, and dealing with political issues is a crucial point for a large number of bands, too. Metal, rock and gothic in all its varieties have never been mere music genres, but they also reflect a certain way of life. So these people encroach our lifestyle to exclude others, spread racism and invoke violence. We are tired of just ignoring or even tolerating these people and ask everybody out there . metal heads, bands, organisers, labels, magazines or even the small record dealer around the corner - for their support. Our music should not be used to agitate against marginal groups or to exclude fans having a different colour of the skin or a different belief, but to experience the spirit of Rock'n'Roll and to share it with others!
  • We want to signal our opposition. We don't want our scene to be subverted by people invoking violence and hatred.
  • Music bridges opposites and unites people from all over the world in friendship.
  • We all have friends from different countries or even far away continents, and we will no longer sit and watch these friendships being put at risk or even destroyed by extremists.
  • Not for nothing have metal festivals always been peaceful events, despite the fact that people of different nationalities, cultures and religions come together, and we want to leave that unchanged.
  • Therefore we say "fuck off" to racism, xenophobia and religious fundamentalism and every negative aspect that goes along with it.
  • All men are equal, no matter which race, nationality, belief or philosophy they belong to. Everyone who argues the converse will not find a ready welcome in the community of peaceable music fans.
  • To answer hatred with hatred is not a solution - therefore we also say no to people who call themselves the "enemies" of racism, nationalism or religious fundamentalism, but behave no better than the people they pretend to be against.

Supporter: Fall Of Serenity

Ferdinand Rewicki:
Violence, oppression, persecution and all this shit have as much in common with metal as my granny does with Tom Angelripper. Of course, music should express feelings, and violence is simply one of them, but this has nothing to do with actually using physical or psychic force. FALL OF SERENITY reject all forms of violence as well as social structures that allow for or propagate them by 666 per cent. (

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